Hi ,
Lot's of Jeeps running around with their tops down (or off) in this cool Autumn air. Sadly, I have not had much time to take the Wrangler YJ out due to the need for finishing touches on the '87 Comanche MJ Pickup.
After getting the MJ's ignition and sensors tuned I decided at the last minute to custom make my own simple cool air intake to replace the old black box air filter configuration.
If you have been following this newsletter for a while I talked about putting a simple air intake system on my '95 Wrangler YJ. (You can see that story in the June 8, 20012 issue) The difference is that on the Wrangler I purchased an inexpensive kit off of Ebay, but with the Comanche I assembled the parts myself and created a workable free flowing intake system similar to the Ebay kit.

1987 Jeep Comanche MJ Pickup with my Custom Assembled Air Intake
Spectre Performance Parts makes, among other things, free flow/cool air filter/intake systems. These pieces can be purchased through various vendors online, however I found everything I needed for the Comanche at my local Pep Boys parts store. It helps to be able to see what the pieces look like before purchasing to make sure that measurements are correct and the pieces can be made to fit properly. Remember, this is a custom construction.
My '87 Comanche Custom Cool Air Intake Assembly
The nice part is that you can make the system as simple, or as extreme as your imagination and abilities can take you. I like things as simple as possible because "complex" hurts my little brain...so that's what I did. The final cost was significantly lower (about 1/4th less) than the least expensive commercial brands. Works great and the 4.0L seems to be breathing much easier.
Now, let's take a look at this installment of:
Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds!
In this issue we are going to take a look at the Jeep rides sent in by our Lady Jeep Lovers. I've included several "best of" submissions by the Jeep Girls...so let's get started:
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Trail Junky Shows Off Both Her Wrangler TJ and JK...(click photo for more!)

Jeep Girl Jennifer's '02 Wrangler...(click photo for more!)

Nikki's 1997 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

Nohra-Cecelia Loves Her JK Unlimited...(click photo for more!)

Kristen's Cool '85 CJ7...(click photo for more!)

Canadian Jeep Girl Terri and her '97 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

Ethel's Classic 1945 Willys MB...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Talk...
Are Wrangler Hardtops Safe?
"Jeep Talk" is a new feature of the Jeep Experience Newsletter. I often receive many different questions from folks all over this great country and the world regarding Jeeps of all kinds...old and new.
Although I am not a certified mechanic I like to help out other Jeep owners with any practical information that I may have learned over the years while working on my Jeeps, or from other experienced wrench turners. I don't claim to have every answer to every problem or question, however I do my best to find practical solutions if at all possible.
I recently received the following question from Felecia regarding the safety of Hard Tops on Wranglers:
Felecia Writes: I have a question about the Wrangler hardtops. I never owned a hard top, and never wanted one either, but the Jeep in question has a hardtop. I am scared because I have heard/driven with friends with a hardtop, and it was cold, and it sounded like we had a simple egg shell to protect us from the outside. What is your experience with the "egg shell" hardtop? Are they reliable like everything with the Jeep? Are they safer than the soft tops?
My Reply: Hi Felecia,
Compared to the soft top in the winter most Jeep owners would trade their rag-tops for the egg shell any day.
For safety neither top is any better than the other...but that is why Wranglers have full roll cages.
I just bought a '95 Wrangler with the hardtop. I was originally looking for one with a soft top...but I couldn't pass up this deal.
Now that I have the hard top (egg shell) I think I really like it even better. It is quieter than a soft top, and I can always remove the doors if I want a more "open" feel. And I know I will appreciate the hardtop this winter (even though a lot milder here in Texas than in MI).
The nice thing about Wranglers and CJs is that you always have options. You can replace the hard top with a soft top or vice-versa. You can store your hardtop in the Summer and put on a soft top...or take off a soft top and put the hard top on for Winter.
Also, the "egg shell" will probably outlast any soft top and provide more security (from thieves/vandals) as well...especially with full lockable steel doors.
Jeep Trivia: The 2002 Jeep Liberty KJ was the first late-model Jeep 4WD chassis to offer independent front suspension.
So, until next time remember that cold air intake most often results in the expulsion of hot air.
Get your Jeep's repair manual or a fun Jeep book...the cheapest Jeep book deals are at Jeep Books Plus.
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***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
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