2007 Jeep Liberty Rocky Mountain Edition

by Sharron
(Ontario, Canada)

Just bought this 2 weeks ago and now my hubby is driving the 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport.

I was told by the seller that the colour is light green...hmmm...more like beige/khaki. Gave hubby the 2003 Liberty Sport and he sold the old 1998 Dodge Dakota pickup.

This 2007 came with a letter "M" on the back and no one knows what it means. I don't know the previous owner, so the mystery will probably go unsolved.

Larry's Comment: Sharron, now that I see the "M" it looks like it was probably added on as a dealer's initial or personal initial from a previous owner.

Any other ideas welcome.

Comments for 2007 Jeep Liberty Rocky Mountain Edition

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by: Sanjeev Rana

'M' could be signifying Mountain Edition?

Letter M
by: Sharron

I like the "M may be for Mountain" suggestion for sure. Thanks guys!!

Letter M
by: Wildfitzy

If you bought the Liberty in the Toronto, Canada area then the M means Menzies Chrysler in Whitby. That's where I buy all my Jeeps.

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