Why do people hate the Jeep Patriot?

by Brown Jenkin
(Fort St John, BC)

Jeep Patriot (File Photo)

Jeep Patriot (File Photo)

Why do people hate the Jeep Patriot?

Fact is, I own the version with the manual transmission, and it works fine. It handles well on or off road, goes quick enough, and can take a beating while never missing a beat.

I think the reason most reviewers hate the Patriot is because they are a bunch of babies who can't drive a stick or get by without stupid extras like GPS.

I was glad to get a car without automatic locks or windows. Just less stuff to break, is all. And unlike fancy overpriced exports, the Patriot is made from Mopar parts, which means I pay less for repairs too.

Reviewers never think about that stuff, because they are nimrods.

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I chased a Patriot
by: shatto

Northbound off the Golden Gate Bridge, I spied a smoking Patriot; smoking because highway 101 heads uphill to the tunnels and it was a diesel under load, and I figured I'd catch it and see what state it was from because diesel Jeeps were illegal to sell in California at that time.

My V6 Dakota couldn't catch it.

passing gear
by: Brown Jenkin

The manual Patriot has a mean fourth gear. I can down shift into it going 70 and the needle won't even jump.

And, oh yeah, what's the deal with the complainers whining about the Patriot's boring interior? Who buys a Jeep for its interior design? Oh yeah, forget I asked.

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