The CJ Jeep: Top 5 Reasons Guys Own One!
For CJ Jeep owners the reasons they have their CJ2, CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B, CJ5, CJ6, CJ7 or CJ8 are quite varied.
However, I have come up with what I think the top 5 reasons may be for owning a classic Jeep CJ...at least from a guys perspective.
So, without further ado...drum roll please!
Reason Number (5): They love the history and character of something so charming, and yet rugged as the CJ...and they also can't afford a new Wrangler.
Reason Number (4): They like working on something simple and straight-forward without all of the computer driven, sensor laden, high tech electronics and mechanics of newer Jeeps...that is until they realize the old CJ can barely break 45 mph without frying the motor...all of the weatherstripping is rotted...and, the tub and frame are 40% rusted out.
Reason Number (3): They have ideas of turning the old CJ5 or CJ7 into a super off road, go-anywhere, flame-throwing, high-performance, monster machine...that is until they realize that the $328.42 they have to their name will only get them 3 used mud tires...and a Coca-Cola.
Reason Number (2): Their girl will think they are macho by driving a rugged Jeep CJ...until she rides in it the first time...and the wind messes up her hair...and the mud and debris off of your huge lugged tires gets all over her leather Armani jacket and Gucci high-heeled pumps.
Reason Number (1): And Finally some guys own a Jeep CJ because they think the "CJ" badge stands for "Cool Jock".
Got any funny reasons why you think some guys drive a CJ Jeep? Then fill in the form below with your ideas.
The submissions received which are appropriate, original, clean and most of all funny will be featured on this page with due credit given to the submitter.
Reader's Reasons to Own a CJ
Rich suggests:
To keep the JK company in the garage.
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