Jeep Fever: Top 5 Signs!
Jeep Fever Do you find yourself constantly thinking about Jeeps at work or school? Do you point out a Jeep every time you see one? Do you find yourself repeating "It's a Jeep Thing..." over and over again?
Well, my friend you may have that accursed malady known as Jeep Fever!
Still not sure? Well, here are my Top 5 sure-fire signs you are running a 'gotta have a Jeep'...fever:
Sign Number (5): Your idea of a great date is taking your special friend or spouse to the Jeep dealership for a test drive.
Sign Number (4): You go into your bosses office to ask for a raise, and instead ask for a "Wrangler".
Sign Number (3): While booking a vacation to the Grand Caymans you inadvertently ask the travel agent what the current weather conditions are in the "Grand Cherokees".
Sign Number (2): You nearly run into the back side of the Prius in front of you while rubbernecking back at a cherry CJ7 parked on the side of the road.
Sign Number (1): You have every Bruce Willis movie ever made because his last name reminds you of that Willys CJ3A you'd die(hard) to have. |
So, there you have top 5 list! If you know of a good sign that someone might have 'The Fever' then send it in the form below...and the best ones chosen will be added to the list (with credit given to you..if you at least include your first name).
Reader's "Jeep Fever" Funnies!
"You know you have Jeep fever when you always pick girlfriends based on the wear pattern on the back pocket of their jeans from their can of Skoal". (Submitted by Robert)
"Why did the Jeep cross the road?... To get to the rocks." (Submitted by Watne)
More Jeep Fever and Jeep Funny Pages!
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